It was favored by the pragmatism of philosophers such as Charles Research in Italy has gone through hard times. Various phases in the history of Italian quantitative research and to The aim of this article is to retrace the Was the dominance first of philosophical idealism, and then of Yet its birth was troubled and its subsequentĭevelopment encountered a variety of obstacles, principal among which Late 1940s and early 1950s when it consisted mainly of ethnology andįolklore research. The Current State of Qualitative Research: The Most Widely Used Methods and Their Sectors of Application The New Millennium: The World in Question, the Gaze Trained on the Social and the Talibans of Ethnographyġ1. The Institutionalization of Qualitative Methods in Italyġ0. "And yet it moves": The Second Half of the 1990sĩ. Children of a Lesser God: The First Half of the 1990sĨ. The Times they are A-Changing: The 1980sħ. The Ostracism of Qualitative Methods by University Courses on Methodology: The 1970sĦ. The (Quantitative) Prejudice Against Qualitative Research: The 1960sĥ. The Birth of Qualitative Research: The 1950sĤ. The Secular and Paradoxical Prejudice Against Empirical Researchģ. Key words : history of research methods, qualitative researchĢ. TheĪrticle reconstructs, step by step, a history of qualitative research Institutionalized in teaching programs and courses of methodology. At theīeginning of the new millennium qualitative methodology has become Italian methodology, still ruled by the survey approach. Italian sociology and at the end of the 1990s it conquered a space in This from the 1980s qualitative research gained an important role in The other hand survey researchers have also undervalued it. Hand it has long been hampered by the hegemony of Crocean idealism. Qualitative research in Italy has gone through hard times.